You are unique, your challenges are unique, your goals are unique and so my approach is unique. Once the basic financial planning is in place, we can tackle any goal, any crisis, any objective together.
With over 30 years experience and all but two of those as an Expatriate, I am sure I am able to help you solve almost all challenges you are facing. If I can't, I will know somebody that can. One thing I know for sure, we need to do this together.
As a truly Independent Adviser, it is imperative that I have the very best support, administration and compliance in the market. All the institutions I recommend surpass even the highest of standards.

For contact :
(+971) 502552737I am passionate about Protecting your FamilySecuring your futureProtecting your Estate
Having been advising expatriates for over 30 years I have come to specialise in and focus on what's important. Protecting you and your family, protecting your assets and protecting your legacy. My team and I have one goal, to put the right money, in the right hands at the right time.
"Financial Advice in Black & White - with no Grey Areas"

David d'Arcy - Practice Principal
About Me
Having been in this industry for over 30 years now I have come to specialise on what's important. Solid Financial Advice based on protecting you and your family, protecting your assets and protecting your legacy. No sales angles, no tricks, no get rich quick schemes, just Financial Advice in Black & White.
My Clients & Customers
Clients are those where we build long-term relationships. After many years in the Arabian Gulf, my clients have spread around the world. Some still working, some are retired but all still take their financial planning very seriously. Customers are those that require a simple one-off service such as Life Insurance or a Company Formation. We solve an issue and there is no further relationship. Still very important but distinctly different.
My Business
I try to keep my business as nimble as possible, in other words small. I like being able to react to changes in the marketplace, regulation and economy instantly, without board meetings or a consensus of opinions. Also, I choose which institutions, service providers and funds I use for my clients and, I would never recommend a fund or product that I would not use myself.
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Financial Advice in Black & White - With no Grey areas
"No grey areas".
What does that mean?
News & Updates
The news and updates written here are my own opinion unless specifically mentioned they are not the views or opinion of any partners company or agency.
Insurance vs Assurance what's the difference?by David d'ArcyPublished in NewsMany people are unaware that there are two forms of what we would call Life Insurance. The first is obviously…
Why do I have only 50 clients?by Super UserPublished in NewsOne question I am asked repeatedly is "why do you have less than 50 clients?" And, "why would you advertise…Read more...